Tuesday, April 2, 2019

A is for Arches

Entering the A to Z Challenge late at night was obviously a foolhardy thing to do. But it was fun back in the day, right? When I had time and inspiration and all that good stuff. So I entered anyhow in the absence of time, and inspiration and any modicum of good stuff.

But I'm just posting pictures. Arches is easy too as I wrote about it last year. So you can read my words of wisdom elsewhere on this blog. As national parks go, Arches is up there with the best. Will I ever return? Probably not. Too much to see, too little time, onto the next and all that....

Now where can I find that pesky badge?


  1. Hi. Popped in from the A to Z blog challenge. Your pictures are rather good. I'm assuming they are your own work? I like your blog and your writing. Read both Challenge posts and enjoyed them very much. Blessings friend, Geoff.

  2. Thanks Geoff. I took part in the first challenge 10 years ago and a couple after that - winging this one a bit tho!

  3. I went to Arches almost ten years ago and still think of it so often. It's definitely a unique, beautiful place, but I don't know when I'll revisit, either. There's so much to see!

    - Allison

  4. I have visited Arches, it's a beautiful place for sure!

    DB McNicol, author
    Microfiction: Automobile


On Blog PTSD

Now then. What the heck. It seems I had forgotten about my blog completely rather than just neglecting it this time. To return after so long...