
Sunday, June 16, 2013

It's Father's Day - Let's Get Sanctimonious for Godfather's Sake

So there's a guy I used to work with who has finally got round to having a kid with the help of his wife, or girlfriend - I can't remember which.

So he spent a lot of time publishing kid pics on Facebook, as we all do at first probably from ultrasound to 2 hours old, although hopefully not preconception.

Now the guy is posting stuff about how the bullshit in life pales into insignificance now he has a kid, blah, blah.

And now he's posting memes, or whatever they are known as, telling everyone what real fathers should do. "A Man who doesn't spent time with his family is not a real man," says Brando as the Godfather.

For some reason I find this sort of thing irritating, I wouldn't go to say this is a hate blog, but it's certainly an irritation blog as the kids have been driving me somewhat nuts today, although manageably so.

But really there's something kind of irritating about a guy who has had a kid for all of 4 days, making out he knows all of the ins and outs of the kid business like he's Jon and Kate Plus Eight and Lots of Hate - so glad they have disappeared where the sun doesn't shine anyhow.

When you have been a parent  for a long time and the awe factor wears off, you realize it's not so black and white. You always love your kids but they can be a real pain at times. Sometimes you are a good father and sometimes you are a crap father. You'll forget things and say things you regret.

Still I guess it's OK as long as you're always there for them. Just please slap me hard  if I post some 'what a perfect dad should be' memes.

Suffice to say I am reticent to find Father's Day role models - but there's always Orlando Shaw from Nashville, TN who has rather a lot of kids apparently. he may fall short of being a model father but it seems he's hung like a blue whale. All of which means lot of Father's Day cards - containing demands for money...


  1. Well at least he's taking his responsibility to his kid seriously. After working over 20 years in family law, I've seen more instances where the fathers simply don't care. Others try but are rebuffed by the child's mother.

  2. I laughed as I read the bit about your kids driving you nuts today, as that's exactly the case with my kid and me. On special days which are supposed to be mine (Mother's Day, my birthday) he is often such a massive tool to me! Bizarre! Some of these days in the past were best enjoyed when he wasn't anywhere near me for most of that day! :-)

    Happy Father's Day, David. You love and you strive, and by God, that's what we as parents are all about and what makes us wonderful.
    Some Dark Romantic

    1. OMG too funny Mona - yes I have read some of your tool posts. But yes we do that love and striving thing

    2. Sorry dumb Kindle keeps changing your name to Mona

  3. I think it goes with the territory. Childless adults are often the first to criticise the parenting of others but when they come to have their own kids they realise it's not as easy as they thought it would be.

    Indulge the guy; he'll learn...

    1. For sure Sarah well as its Facebook I can just ignore him

  4. Nice to see a more sensible approach to Father's Day! I posted a pic of hubby and kid number 1. Kid number one didn't even call to wish him a Happy Father's Day, but he's made it his mission in life to never recognize such things. Mother's Day, birthdays -- not on his calendar! :)
    I don't recognize my own dad, he disowned me and mine years ago. I read lovely stories of moms and dads and wonder what life would have been like if that had been the case? Will never know, but with my own. Oh gosh, have I screwed up royally! Trying not to make the same mistakes as my parents, I've created monsters! :) You can't win. I tell you it just isn't possible! :)

    Oh by the way, stop by - I've chosen you! Love the thoughtful posts!

    1. Thanks so much for award btw sorry about your dad too Yolanda

  5. I've discovered that the longer I've been a parent (13 years now) and the more children I've had (5), the less I know. I do find it humorous when someone who has been a parent for all of 5 minutes and only has 1 kid thinks that they should give me parenting advice.

    My children often choose special days (Father's Day, Mother's Day, birthdays, etc.) to be the biggest pains.

    1. Ha ha you are certainly in a good position to know Tamara

  6. I'm an ex Brit in Canada, found you through Yolanda Renee.


    1. Thanks for visiting I will certainly check out yours

  7. I don't have kids but I did come from an interesting childhood. I still don't understand my parents' decisions which goes to show - you can never judge other people because even those closest to it don't know what's going on or the complexities of a situation. It sounds like you have a perfectly imperfect approach, as it should be.

    1. Thanks Mandy I guess a lot of us had odd childhoods big fan of perfectly imperfect

  8. Good one. I've known people without children who were full of opinions about how to bring up children. Of course, by the time they got round to producing their own offspring most of that crap had been jettisoned in favour of the "survival" mode of parenting - one day at a time. Still, wouldn't be without mine who are all grown up now. I've even become a grandparent!

    1. Wow Mark congrats on hitting grandparent status - time sure flies

  9. I guess he is just excited, it will wear off I'm sure! I do get sick of the constant baby pics people put on facebook :)

    1. OMG do I hate baby pics on Facebook - May have been guilty now and again tho

  10. I would chalk it up to the excitement of young parenthood. It won't be long before he starts seeing it from more than one perspective, I bet. I hope you had a nice Father's Day with your kids!

  11. Thanks Daisy- yep a few nights without sleep May make a difference
