
Thursday, November 27, 2014

Five Quirky Facts About Thanksgiving

Collective groan. It's that weird holiday I don't understand again when people do that turkey thing a month before Christmas - just because. Don't get me wrong. I can understand July 4. I even celebrate it. We escaped home out of the mosquito-ridden swamps to get some decent tea. But what's with Thanksgiving?

Still, at some point in the early afternoon I'll be invited over to the ex's to be quizzed on the whereabouts of the turkey and reminded about how I forgot to buy rice crackers in July, 2013. I will then be forced to point in the direction of the 40 pound cat.

Nope - thought not

If you want to know more about the historical roots of Thanksgiving you can read my blog Why I'm Still Feeling Queasy after Thanksgiving.

If you can't be bothered here are Five Quirky Facts about Thanksgiving...

1 Hundreds of Thanksgiving days were observed in New England in the 17th Century. Only one church record refers to a feast and there is no further record of a feast for 150 years. Stop stuffing yourselves people - it's historically inaccurate.

2 Although pumpkins have their origin in the New World the first recipe for pumpkin pie appeared in a British naaaaa

3 Sarah Josepha Hale is credited with making Thanksgiving a national holiday. In the days of slavery she believed the holiday would break down America's sectarian tensions - a move that has clearly worked perfectly. She was one of the first women to write a novel and is credited with the verse Mary Had a Little Lamb But She Ate Her Pet Turkey Instead.

4 In 1835 the doctor William Alcott wrote that he was opposed to Thanksgiving on moral reasons as well as medical reasons, lambasting it as a carnival loaded with luxuries. He was also a vegetarian.  if he were alive today he would probably be breaking out the Ramen Noodles - just not the chicken flavored ones.

5 The most famous Thanksgiving poem was written by Lydia Maria Child. It's called "The Boy's Thanksgiving Song" and is best known by it's first line "Over the river and thro' the wood." Nope - sorry - never heard of it but will probably be heading for the woods by 6 pm.


  1. Whatever the reason for Thanksgiving..and I'm sure like a lot of holidays it has developed past its original meaning, but I love it. It is a great time to get the family together. It is a great time for great food you don't eat but once a year and most of all a great time to give thanks for the good things in our lives.
    Ha ha I don't care who made the first pumpkin pie....they are delicious.
    Have a great holiday xx

  2. We Americans like to create excuses for making gluttonous pigs of ourselves. We're a bunch of turkeys.

    I hope you had a great holiday weekend, though, David.

    1. we I do like me a good stuffing - to a point Robyn :)

  3. Thanksgiving might have been a nice family holiday at one point, but Holiday Shopping has gradually eaten away at it. (Pun intended.) Many churches and organizations devote the day to feeding the homeless and the economically disadvantaged - I would love to see Thanksgiving become a National Day Of Giving instead. Oh well, one can dream and in the meantime do what one can. :)

  4. Your dry humor delights, David. Actually, the Pilgrims had a bit of a problem with food Back Then and, ahem, resorted to cannibalism. Think today's Thanksgiving is more about Black Friday, which, I read is now in England. Sorry!

    1. Nice to hear from you Kittie - I know I can't believe the Black Friday thing taking off in England!
