
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Am I Too Old to Post on Facebook and Other Social Media Questions?

In my ulterior life role as Dr. Dave - Social Media Guru I receive a vast amount of correspondence from people who want my tips on how to network, wot with me being so cutting edge and all that. Here's a small sample of questions and answers for your edification...

Q Is It Possible to Update my LinkedIn Profile on My Typewriter?

A No

Q My Mother has sent me a Facebook friends request. Should I accept?

A No. Under no circumstances accept a Facebook request from a parent. Not only will it allow them to keep tabs on your life but they may start posting pictures of you the year they didn't let you get your hair cut for six months or with food all round your mouth and on your bib. Aunts and uncles are a more difficult call. I have developed the Suck Test in these circumstances. Ask yourself if they suck. If the answer is 'no' consider accepting.

Q How many pictures of my baby should I post on Facebook and Twitter?

A This question is a very relevant one. I have a Facebook friend called Ponceroy (not his real name) who has recently had twin boys (more accurately his Missis actually had them). He has taken to posting pictures of his kids on a daily basis. Now he has gone one step further and posts status updates saying he is going to do a photo shoot of new images which will be posted soon, just to let us know what a treat we have in store.

The fact is other people's babies all look the same and even though he seems to think he's Anne Geddes, Ponceroy's babies are exceptionally ugly. My aunt had a pug... I digress. He is now defriended. Post your baby pics sparingly - I would suggest two a month.

Q I just turned 50 and am wondering if there's a cut off age for posting on social networks.

A You should not worry yet. The cut off age is 51. There's a retired home improvement correspondent type woman I know who is constantly posting a drivel of updates on Facebook. The other day I made a rare visit to Twitter-land and found another stream of Tweets from her at 10 p.m. I am now wondering if this woman has any kind of life away from social networks. Look if you are 18 and you are constantly Tweeting, you may still be cool because you are probably hanging out at some bar and multi tasking. if you are sitting at home banging out this stuff all night at the age of 65, you probably need someone to take away your laptop and place yourself in a potting shed to sniff geraniums.

Q Is Quora for nerds?

A I'm  not sure. I have been too busy answering the question about whether the Thirty Years War really ended with the Treaty of Westphalia.

Q I Have a MySpace account - Am I correct in assuming this is new, up and coming social media site?

A I am assuming you take a lot of meth and watch Betamax. I've heard it's a good site for gang members.

Q I am contacting you for advice about my embarrassing fetish involving vacuum cleaners. Can you assure me you will treat my issue with utmost confidentiality?

A You can rest assured the confidentiality of your correspondence is guaranteed Mrs. Gertude Dobbins of 3485 Havover Driver, Great Snoring, Ohio is your email still BTW ?


  1. OMG that was a riot!! Does anyone even use MySpace anymore? I never had a myspace; I found it to be kind of dark and evil. facebook is less so.

    1. lol JoJo - I only used it once when I set up an account to investigate the activities of gang members as a crime correspondent

  2. I like the Q & A about posting baby pictures. But I think you suggested too many. Maybe once a year... on the kid's b-day. (For the record, I do unfriend people who post too much about their kids. Sorry, I'm not a parent and it annoys me.)

    1. oh oh - I have been guilty of posting too many kid pics, though not as many as the folks who annoy me

  3. This totally cracked me up, especially about poor Ponceroy's babies. Now I'm picturing little pugs in onesies.

    1. Lol Julie - actually that was a bit cruel - on pugs anyhow :)

  4. Oh dear, I have a myspace account, haven't used it in years, but it's where I got started on the so called social network, and I enjoyed it much more than I do FB now. Just goes to show, I'm out of it even when I in it! LOL

    Where do we send our questions. Dr. Dave? :)

    1. lol Yolanda - I missed the My Space thing but heck had a Friends Reunited one - oh just here is fine :)

  5. You must have had a blast doing that! All those bizarre questions, makes you wonder about who's out there!

    1. yep but tis not like for really real - cos nobody in their right mind would consult me re social networking questions - even though I have now ditched the typewriter.

  6. I'm in big trouble mister.

    . . . and now I have to check out Quora! You are mean! lol

    1. You should - I am on Quora Deborah but sorta couldn't be bothered with it after someone got on my case about one of my answers re Napoleon.

  7. Lol. You are a hoot, as always!
    And btw I read somewhere that teens no longer use Facebook coz it's now for old people. So I guess there's no upper age limit, really.

    1. thanx Dee - actually that's true. I think Facebook is more used by folks in their 40s.

  8. Very well done, David. This line is my favorite: "You should not worry yet. The cut off age is 51." I don't have that many years left of this stuff. Thank goodness.


    1. yes Robyn - you will be well and truly cut off at the knees xo
