
Monday, February 11, 2013

Why I signed up to the A to Z Challenge

After last year I vowed to never again enter the A-Z blogging challenge.

Which really doesn't adequately explain why I have just signed up again for the third time in a row.

Yeah I was there at the outset before there were thousands of people rushing to join the hoppiest of blog hops. I feel like one of those grizzled blokes who is dismissive of people who climb Everest.

"Na. Went up there one time with a broken leg: another with an arm behind my back. Seen it done it. Where's the pub?"

The only worrying aspect is I aimed to write quick and breezy blog post last year but there were still nights when I started writing close to deadline and ended up pulling my hair out doing research. Sure I'm used to that from my days in journalism, but even so.

BTW for those of you who have been under a big, dank blogging rock for the last few years, the A-Z challenge takes place in April and you have to blog a different letter of the alphabet each day. Needless to say X is always great fun. It's only half way through February and already more than 650 people have signed up. It's amazing how few of us have a life.

This year I really do plan something really simple. Um. Said that before.

I suppose I recanted because of my competitive nature. I saw fellow veteran A-Zrs (if that's a proper term) like Tim Riley and Mina Lobo signing up again and thought why not?

Who knows if I will still be saying this in 10 years' time by which time it will probably have become like a high school reunion. We all meet up at some spit and sawdust place outside Moosejaw etc. and compare our false teeth.

It's true my blog needs new followers - more so new hits - as anyone who has read my dark and depressing entry about my blog dying, will realize.

But there's more to it than the blogging shot in the arm, the high of the spike on the blog graph. The most important thing about the A to Z challenge is the lovely people we meet along the way. Enjoy the ride. Now I'm going to find me another badge dammit.


  1. Glad you're in David, wouldn't be the same without you.

  2. Gosh, I'm terribly tempted but lack SO MUCH self discipline, I fear failure.

    1. true but once you start you kind of force yourself to finish through gritted teeth, Juliette

  3. Glad I'm not the only one who's signed up...again....

  4. This is my first year. Glad you're going to be here too! I'm trying to come up with a plan! 'trying'!

    Always love a challenge! Except for the RFW's new challenge. It's driving me banana's. Not a fan of FAN FICTION!

    1. Hey Yolanda - have never tried so don't know what it is. Yes I have little time for many blog hops there days but well the A-Z challenge is an institution.

  5. Ah, David, aren't you lovely for giving me a shout out! (And for other reasons as well, I suppose, but mostly this one.) Glad you decided to drink the Kool Aid too, even if you're a big tease who hints at his theme but won't dish it... ;-)

    OOOOOH, idea! We (and by "we," I mean you, me, and any mutual blogging pals who'd be interested in doing this) should do a pre-A to Z blog hop in which we all reveal out A to Z themes, just before April, all on the same day! Wotcha think???

    1. Of course Mina you are one of the coolest regulars I received post last A-Z - the great thing is the folks you find along the way. Sounds like a plan Mina - am only saying that because smugly I have a theme, albeit a lame one :)

    2. Awesome! (It only occurred to me to check back now; forgot to subscribe to the comments for this.)

      When do you think would be a good time for this? Mid-March? Third week of March? Sooner? I'll make us a badge once we set a date.

  6. it will be easy this year - um read my lips lol
