
Friday, October 12, 2012

Mitt Romney ate my gerbil with Hollandaise sauce

The problem with this headline is he didn't to my knowledge. And it's rather unlikely that he would have done because:

  1. He doesn't seem the gerbil munching type
  2. It might be bad for votes
  3. I don't own a gerbil and if I did I may have already whipped it into a rodent souffle
  4. All of the above

Mitt Romney (Gage Skidmore)

I'm really just saying this to illustrate how dull I'm finding this whole election. I can't listen to the radio without a shock ad. coming on about 47 percent; I can't watch a YouTube clip without being subjected to a campaign ad. at the start of it.

It's true I have watched a couple of debates. I saw most of the one where Mitt Romney pretended to be the President and the President pretended to be some hapless dude who had walked into the wrong studio.

The TV went on the blink during the Biden/Ryan one so I saw some of it on my laptop (honestly what's the point of a $700 flat screen these days?). While people criticized Biden for rolling his eyes, smirking and being rude, I thought this was the high point of the debate as Joe took on some little weasel who had swallowed a load of facts and was regurgitating them like Oreos. OK I get annoyed at anyone who is younger than me who acts older than me (which is not hard to do).

In some ways my disaffection with the whole boring sleazy process is regrettable because I can finally vote in a Presidential election for the first time, although it seems I may be too late to opt for Lincoln.

I'm sorry to say it was much more fun last time around, watching Sarah Palin trying to get more than two brain cells to connect and babbling on about seeing Russia. Oddly enough I feel Palin represents America a lot more than these guys in suits.

Go to any high school soccer or football game and you will see psycho moms screaming on the touchline, threatening to kill any kid who tackles her own. You'll see her at the Civic League meeting bitching about the people who have let their grass grow too long. You'll see her in the office, spreading poison about fellow employees. It's not an argument for getting someone like that to run the country, but at least I wouldn't glaze over the way I do every time I see Mitt Romney recycling his cliches and showing absolutely no inclination to dine on gerbil.


  1. Harumph. I doubt we could be much further away physically from the whole pathetic charade, yet we're subjected to it constantly. Tragically the outcome affects us all, though you wouldn't know it from the lack of interest they express towards policies that have ramifications for the rest of the world.
    Bring on the gerbils!

    1. It amazes me that you guys are subjected to it Sue, maybe the US is the center of the world

  2. I'm so wicked sick of politics and I can't wait for this to be over next month. I'm fed up. Esp. w/ the Facebook posts on my newsfeed. And it's sad, but true, what you said about psycho moms screaming on the sidelines and complaining about everything. What has happened to my generation and their kids? Why do we all feel a sense of selfish entitlement?

    1. lol JoJO - I have had some fairly rabid arguments going on on my Facebook feed

  3. At least Spanish politicians don't invade youtube during the elections, they are so clueless about the internet that during the last ones, a candidate tried in secondlife! Anyway, I'll check on yours next month, since I don't have a TV and don't buy newspapers (they give a lot of importance to the American elections here, but that's probably a distraction tactic).

    1. most likely Starla, yeah Spanish politics seem lower profile

  4. I can't wait for the election to be over and done with. I'm tired of the whole mess.

  5. Haha you pretty much summed up both debates perfectly.

    You're right, the last election was much more entertaining. And as much as I hate to admit it, you're spot on about Palin be more representative of the US than either candidate right now. It's scary how much she resembles the crazy conservative soccer moms running around the Midwest as well.

    I've been covering local elections for the newspaper here the past few weeks and it's making me sick. The narrow-mindedness of some people...sigh.

    1. OMG poor you Jen, so over covering politics. But there are a lot of Sarah Palins around

  6. Well, I guess I'm gonna be odd-person out here as I've found the past weeks really interesting. There's a lot at stake in this election...sequestration comes to mind. But you're right about Sarah Palin. When somebody like her can't name a magazine she reads and then godmothers a political movement, golly, gosh, gee.

    1. well it's interesting to see the two ideals at play Kittie, although I preferred the personalities last time.

  7. I'm so ready for political ad season to be over.
