
Saturday, January 7, 2012

The simplicity of southern skies

There's a simplicity to southern skies, a shining symmetry that we don't always appreciate until it's gone.

We walk under so many skies, heads down, missing the shimmering world above the sheds and the pine trees and the tumble of wires.

But occasionally we take the time to look up and there it is; iridescent pink strips lighting up the blue, the last vestiges of a warm winter's day.

I found my camera before it was too late. But already gray was drifting into the pink, like a dirty smudge on the lens. I moved the lens to the left and the right but the grey moved in; gun smoke seeping across peaceful vistas.

We should make more time for the pink; we should bask more in the iridescent before the gray marches in for good.


  1. The South touches your soul, David. Remember the scene in "Gone with the Wind" when Scarlett raises her fist to a sky like above and says she'll never be hungry again? When a Southerner looks up and sees that glorious sky, hope fills tomorrow.

  2. Wonderful photos, David. We've had a couple of pretty-sky evenings up here this weekend. Nice respite from the chilly wind. :)

  3. Ah, I love this post, David. Love the pictures, love the words you put with them. Bravo, bravo! Well done.

  4. Beautiful shots, can't decide which I like more...the third one I guess. :)

  5. Beautiful photos! I love how photographs can tell a story all on their own! :)

  6. Gave you a shout-out on my post today.

  7. I do thank you kindly for the compliment, but, nope, you don't owe me one, David. I'm just pleased as punch you're understanding the South, warts and all, and Thank You for your objectivity and flexibility. Hope you're getting to travel around a bit, down to Savannah and so on. And you've gotta, just gotta, hit the French Quarter.

  8. I wonder why it is that the sight of a beautiful sky can touch our souls the way it does? You captured it both in pictures, and in words, dear sir. Lovely post. (BTW, I dropped by because of Kittie's shout-out.)

  9. This is such a nice reminder of the world above. I love the photos and actually like the shades of gray. I think your timing was perfect.

  10. These photos are beautiful, David. They could be paintings!

  11. marvellous photos, david! i want more!

    nice red skies!

    well done you:)

  12. Have you seen the Sound and Fury cover with the sky?

    You'd appreciate it.
